The Health and Safety at Work Act sets out general duties that employers have towards employees and users of their facilities, and that employees have to each other, and other users.
The main requirement on employers is to carry out a risk assessment.
If you employ five or more people you need to do risk assessments
When you carry out the risk assessment for your workplace, make sure you consult with the approved IEE Code of Practice, for electrical equipment – this book will guide you determine whether electrical equipment in your workplace needs inspecting and testing (portable appliance testing), and if so, how often it should be done.
Sometimes equipment needs testing as often as weekly or monthly, but in most situations much longer frequencies are required, anywhere between annually to five years to never, dependent on the appliance and the environment it is being used in.
Richard prides himself in offering clients an honest service, and so will help you determine clear frequencies for your PAT Testing should you need it.
You are required to ensure that equipment provided for use at work is safe
Under the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 you are required to ensure that equipment provided for use at work is safe – to make sure electrical equipment is safe you will need to get it inspected and tested; inspection and testing of electrical equipment is commonly called portable appliance testing (when the appliance can be unplugged) and fixed appliance testing (when it can’t).
Additionally, the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 require people in control of electrical systems to ensure they are safe to use and are maintained in a safe condition; again, inspection and testing will confirm whether the electrical system (mains wiring and appliances) is being maintained correctly in a safe condition.
It is good practice to make sure electrical equipment is safe
If you employ five or more people you are required to perform a risk assessment, which will determine the risk of your electrical equipment, whether it needs PAT testing, and how often; even if you don’t employ anyone it is still good practice to make sure your electrical equipment is safe.
We can help you with this –
DRA Electrical Safety Services specialise in checking electrical equipment is safe, giving you the peace of mind that your employees and other users of equipment are safe, and are not likely to suffer an electric shock.
Our health and safety credentials have been checked, and verified by the Contractors Health and Safety Assessment.