Industrial commando plugs
Industrial commando plugs
PAT Testing for workplaces in Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne and Wear and across the North East
We can PAT test electrical equipment with industrial type plugs but there is different ways of pricing such work due to the extra time it takes to inspect them and the fact that there are a lot more repairs required with such equipment.
We can’t offer the cheapest prices for these appliances, and we always recommend you contact us for a personal price, but in most cases we will be charging per hour for such work.
If you’re booking us to PAT test your business, say the office, and have a few tools that need doing as well, we’re likely to do them at the same rate, but for a job where we have to wander around a big factory looking for appliances we’re going to charge a more time-based rate.
400v (red) or three-phase equipment is different; we can check these but there are many different types and we don’t have every adaptor so we will do our best to help you with these. We only do 400v equipment on our hourly rate, unless you have the odd one or two mixed in with a bigger job then we charge a fixed rate of £2.00 per item.
Industrial or Site using cable mount plugs 16amps + is a bit more specialised, and in practice very different to PAT testing standard 13amp plugs. The engineer needs a different toolkit, specialist testing equipment and adaptors for all the different types of cable mount plug available, and all that adds up to a lot more money to set up to do.
If you have 400v equipment we recommend you contact as a specialist 3-phase electrical company; such connectors can be wired in many different formats and so they need an industrial electrical engineer to check them fully. We can do basic checks on certain types but there are so many options you’d be better seeking an expert. We can however help with single phase, 110v or 230v connectors as well as normal ’13 amp’ plugs.
If you book us to do a job and inform us that there are 110v (yellow) and 230v (blue) single phase appliances to test then we will quote for these, but if you don’t tell us you run the risk of us not being able to do them at that appointment, as we don’t always carry these adaptors or the necessary toolkit for repairs.
If we can do them, there is a standard charge of £1.50 per appliance, + vat. If we can’t a new quote will be provided to return another day.
In general we usually quote for these as a fixed price for the job, or a time-based price.
What are the benefits of PAT Testing?
PAT testing improves safety in the workplace as is required by the Health and Safety at Work Act
✅ Regular electrical inspection and testing helps you ensure electrical equipment is safe
✅ PAT assesses the suitability of an appliance for the environment it is being used in (to help you comply with) The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998
✅ PAT testing records can be used to demonstrate compliance with the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989
✅ Regular PAT testing helps you to comply with The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992
✅ Regular electrical tests in rental property help you comply with The Housing Act 2004 (England and Wales)
✅ PAT tests before the start of a tenancy help a landlord comply with The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government’s guidance
✅ Regular PAT tests help you comply with The Electrical Equipment (Safety) Regulations 2016
✅ If the plug of an appliance doesn’t meet the Plugs and sockets etc. (Safety) Regulations 1994 we will change it for one that does.
About our PAT testing service
The basics of PAT testing are the same no matter what your workplace is; every business has a kettle, computers, a hoover, too many plugs and not enough sockets! So rest assured we can help you without stating the obvious!
Not only can we inspect and test your appliances to make sure they are safe, we carry out repairs when they’re needed, carry a stock of spares, know the regulations so we can help you comply with the laws without testing too often and provide you with the PAT testing Certificate you need to show compliance with your legal obligations. The main benefit to regular PAT Testing is that it keeps you compliant with the regulations, and helps to protect users from electrical accidents.
So how do we get the ball rolling? Simply get in touch, by whatever means suits you best, we’ll discuss what you need doing, agree a price, I can come out for a chat and a look around if you like, then we simply book an appointment and get the job done. We offer appointments 24 hours a day 7 days a week to best meet your needs to ensure minimal disruption to your business.